Protecting employee health

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The Group rigorously adhered to health and safety rules at all its premises, including social distancing requirements, and also implemented the following measures:
  • regularly disinfected premises (it introduced stricter requirements on office cleaning and sanitization in 2021);
  • made mask-wearing mandatory;
  • monitored employees’ health;
  • introduced PCR and antibody testing at Moscow Exchange offices (for employees who needed to work from the office);
  • actively cooperated with medical clinics and doctors on vaccination issues.

Prevention and communication


In order to combat the pandemic and keep employees informed about issues related to COVID-19 and vaccination, in 2021 the Group organized webinars with Sergey Tsarenko, Head of Intensive Care at City Clinical Hospital No. 52. Sergey is a renowned Russian intensive care specialist and professor. Webinars were also held with Olga Zamyatina, Head of the Therapeutic Department of the MEDSI Clinical and Diagnostic Center; Olga is a general practitioner, endocrinologist, and Candidate of Medical Sciences.

The Group’s intranet has a page containing current COVID-19 prevention recommendations for staff. It also sends out regular newsletters.

Vaccination Days were held at Moscow Exchange offices, and all employees of the Group were given the opportunity to be vaccinated.

Thanks to these measures, the Group did not experience a confirmed large-scale outbreak of COVID-19 among its employees in 2021.