
In 2022, Moscow Exchange (also, the “Group”) published its third sustainability report (the “Report”), which contains information on its responsible business practices in the calendar year ended 31 December 2021. It is an important tool for communicating with stakeholders. More detailed information on stakeholder groups may be found in the subsection “Genuine partnership and engagement with the community” of the sections “2021 Sustainability Performance Highlights” and “Sustainability Approaches and Procedures”.

The Report also provides information on the mission and strategy of Moscow Exchange, management approaches, and key events in the reporting year. It sheds light on material topics For detailed information on material topics, see the section “MOEX Group’s approach to materiality”. such as responsible investment, decent working conditions, sustainable financial infrastructure, financing, and corporate governance. Likewise, it describes the position of the Group regarding climate change, discerning use of resources, charity, and other environmental and social issues.

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The Group publishes a sustainability report every year. The previous report was published in May of 2021.


This Report was approved by the Moscow Exchange Executive Board.


In 2021, FBK LLC, an independent auditor, was engaged for the first time to assure The assurance was carried out in accordance with ISAE 3000 (revised): “Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information”. the qualitative and quantitative information disclosed in the Report in accordance with the GRI Standards and the SASB Security & Commodity Exchanges standard (for selected information). The auditor’s report, which provides limited assurance regarding selected information, is included as an appendix to this Report.

Structure of the Report

For the convenience of the Report’s users, the Group has decided to use a similar structure to that of its 2020 Sustainability Report; accordingly, there are three main sections: “2021 Sustainability Performance Highlights”, “Sustainability Data”, and “Sustainability Approaches and Procedures”. The appendices include, “Moscow Exchange’s Contribution to the UN SDGs”, “Statements”, “GRI Content Index”, “SASB Metrics”, “Independent Auditor’s Report”, “Glossary”, and “Contact Details”.

2021 Sustainability Performance Highlights

This section presents key initiatives and achievements of Moscow Exchange in 2021. These were implemented in line with the Group’s Sustainability Roadmap. The section also describes measures taken to apply ESG principles in accordance with the 2024 Group Strategy. The section contains information on Moscow Exchange’s plans and objectives for 2022 and in the medium term.

Sustainability Data

The section discloses the primary metrics of the company’s sustainability performance in 2019, 2020, and 2021. The structure of this section corresponds to the section “2021 Sustainability Performance Highlights”, as well as the section “Sustainability Approaches and Procedures”.

Sustainability Approaches and Procedures

This section provides information on the approach of Moscow Exchange at the management level to key areas of sustainable development, including an overview of corporate policies, codes, procedures, and responsible departments. The information in this section supplements the section “2021 Sustainability Performance Highlights”, the section “Sustainability Data”, and the Moscow Exchange 2021 Annual Report.

Moscow Exchange’s Contribution to the UN SDGs

The appendix contains the Group’s priority UN SDGs; it also describes the key tasks, projects, metrics, and results of the Group in achieving these goals as part of its agenda.


Moscow Exchange Group supports a number of international initiatives and organizations; it shares their principles, integrating their requirements and recommendations into its activities. The “Statements” appendix outlines the Group’s position on a number of vital issues, including:
  • statement of Moscow Exchange Group on communication with stakeholders as part of the Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative;
  • statement of Moscow Exchange on compliance with the Principles of the UN Global Compact;
  • statement of Moscow Exchange on respect for human rights and counteracting modern slavery.

GRI Content Index

This index consolidates all the GRI disclosures published in the Report, allowing for easier navigation through its sections. It also contains remarks on the disclosures.

SASB Metrics

This index includes metrics pertinent to the SASB Security & Commodity Exchanges standard.

Guidelines and standards used in preparing the Report

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This Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option; however, the requirements and recommendations of other standards and guidelines were taken into account as well. These include the WFE ESG Guidance & Metrics (2018), the SASB Security & Commodity Exchanges standard (2018), and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (2017).


When preparing the 2021 Report, the Group made the following changes:
  • greenhouse gas emission indicators (Scopes 2 and 3) were recalculated, as the Group has revised its approach to estimating indirect greenhouse gas emissions;
  • the disclosure of quantitative HR data was brought into line with the GRI Standards; the Group now breaks down information by age group: younger than 30 years old, 30–50, and over 50;
  • the approach to calculating the average hours of training per year per employee was brought into line with the GRI Standards; the indicator was recalculated based on the total number of employees at the end of the year, and not on the number of employees who received training;
  • the approach to calculating the percentage of new employee hires and turnover by age group and gender was changed: the indicator was recalculated based on the number of the corresponding category at year-end, and not on the total number of employees;
  • the amount allocated for charity projects in 2020 was reconsidered;
  • the approach to calculating energy intensity was revised (as of 2021, the sum of total energy consumed is factored in, not only electricity);
  • the approach to calculating and disclosing indicators related to the right of employees to parental leave, as well as to the wages of starting-grade employees, was brought into line with the GRI standards.

Reporting boundaries


The reporting boundaries include the following entities of Moscow Exchange Group: Moscow Exchange, the National Settlement Depository (NSD), and the National Clearing Centre (NCC). A full list of the Group’s entities and changes to the composition of the Group can be found on page 5 of the 2021 Annual Report, p. 5and in the 2021 IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements, p. 16.

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In this Report, “Moscow Exchange” and “MOEX” mean the organization whose full corporate name as stated in its Articles of Association is Public Joint-Stock Company Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS The form of ownership is mixed Russian ownership with partial federal ownership—code 41 per the Russian National Classifier of Forms of Ownership (OKFS). . “Moscow Exchange Group”, or simply the “Group”, means the pool of companies that are part of Moscow Exchange Group, which fall within the scope of this Report.

Information about shareholders who own five or more percent of MOEX capital is included in the subsection “Advanced governance and responsible business practices” of the section “2021 Sustainability Performance Highlights” of the current report.

The boundaries of the indicators are indicated in the section “Sustainability Data”. Any information that pertains to different configurations of subsidiaries is accompanied by appropriate disclaimers.

The reporting information is disclosed within two reporting perimeters:
  • the first perimeter comprises information pertinent to Moscow Exchange, NSD, and NCC;
  • the second perimeter comprises information pertinent to Moscow Exchange.